LabelVision 20/20: Technical Notes

Switching Between Two Versions of LabelVision
This technical note explains how to create and use a batch file for the purpose of switching easily between two versions of LabelVision. As an example we will use LabelVision 20/20 Version 4.0 and LabelVision 2000 Version 3.2.

If you wish to run LabelVision Version 4.0 and Version 3.2 interchangeably on the same PC, install them in two different folders.

  1. Right-click on this link, and save the file to the LabelVision 3.2 installation folder.
  2. In the same directory, right-click again and select New | Text Document. Rename this file to 'register.bat'; This file should contain the following three lines:
    Designer /regserver
    start Designer
  3. Right-click on this file (register.bat), then select "Create Shortcut". A new shortcut will be created for you.
  4. If you are using Windows 95 or Windows 98, right-click the new shortcut and select "Properties". On the Program Tab check the "Close on Exit" option. Then, Click the OK button.

Create a batch file and a shortcut for Version 4.0 in its installation folder in a similar manner, by following steps 1 through 4 above.

To run either Version, do the following: if LabelVision is running, terminate it and then wait at least 5 seconds before continuing; then double-click the appropriate shortcut.

Do not run Version 3.2 and Version 4.0 simultaneously.

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