Classic: Features
Windows when you want it. DOS when
you don't
LabelVision takes into account how you work
and what works best for you -- which is why we offer the best of
both DOS and Microsoft® Windows environments.
When you need to design bar code labels,
LabelVision lets you take full advantage of the friendly, uniform
graphical user interface of Windows. And when it's time to print
your labels, LabelVision works in DOS, which shop floor operators
prefer for its simplicity and minimal hardware requirements.
What's more, both the Windows and DOS
modules of LabelVision adhere to the same standard interface, so
even if you want to design and print on the same machine, you're
assured of not only seamless integration, but also a consistent
interface throughout.
Design high quality labels on demand
When it comes to designing custom labels,
LabelVision gives you the greatest range of design features
many of which set a new precedent for ease and flexibility.
The Label Designer offers everything you'd expect, including a
true WYSIWYG screen display that lets you see your labels exactly
as they'll look when printed. You can move, copy, paste, rotate,
edit, and resize objects and see the results immediately
on-screen just by pointing and clicking with the mouse. You
can adjust the margins and space between labels interactively, and
print labels in any orientation after you design them rightside
up. You can even combine different labels on the same page.
Make the most of breakthrough features
LabelVision goes beyond other bar code labeling
software with unique features that make any designer's wish list:
- Variable Graphics: LabelVision can read your graphic
files at print time, allowing you to use many different pictures
with the same label format.
- Windows TrueType Fonts: Use any Windows 3.1 TrueType
font on selected Zebra, Fargo, DATAMAX, and HP LaserJet printers.
- Automatic Word Wrapping: You can easily control the word-wrapping,
alignment, line spacing and margins of text on your labels.
- Group Select: LabelVision simplifies label design by
making it easy to move, delete, cut or paste groups of objects.
Powerful databases = maximum efficiency,
minimal effort
You can store valuable information in LabelVision's
databases and easily incorporate that data into your label design,
thanks to LabelVision's powerful database capabilities. We use the
industry-standard dBase III+ file format, which means you can easily
share LabelVision databases with other programs.
LabelVision's sophisticated internal database consists of three
powerful modules:
- Structure Editor: Lets you create new databases, restructure
existing databases, and create indexes.
- Database Browser: Allows you to easily add, edit, delete
and search for database records.
- Report Editor: Lets you quickly create and print tabular
reports on your databases, complete with headers, footers, and
page numbers that you define.
Custom applications in no time flat
LabelVision makes it incredibly easy to develop
powerful bar code label applications specifically for your business
without the time or expense of using a custom programmer.
The Application Editor allows you to pull together powerful combinations
of labels, databases, text files, sequence numbers, input from an
operator and even other DOS programs into a single
application. And this module is packed with features that make application
development fast, easy and enjoyable.
Want to produce a pop-up list of choices to fill in a field? No
problem, thanks to LabelVision's pointandshoot record
selection. Want to gather several ingredient records into a single
paragraph? It's a cinch with LabelVision's "group together" and
unlimited crossreferencing features. You can even print different
label formats for different customers: LabelVision can retrieve
the name of the label to print right from your customer database.
An open line to mainframes and other
Communicating with mainframe computers --
or any other computers, for that matter -- is virtually effortless
with LabelVision. You can initiate a print session from your mainframe,
yet still take advantage of the high speed LabelVision print engine.
All you need is a network that lets you share files between your mainframe
and a PC running LabelVision. Your mainframe computer can then print
one or more labels simply by writing data to a text file. LabelVision
automatically grabs the text file and prints your labels. It's as
simple as that. LabelVision even takes data from serial ports or NetBIOS
networks, allowing you to bring in data from scanners, scales or other
LabelVision can also call and exchange data with any DOS program
for incredible flexibility. Let's say you need to calculate the
average of three numbers and print the result on your label. Simply
use your favorite programming tool, such as Microsoft Basic Compiler,
to create a two-line program that calculates the desired average.
Then call this program from within your LabelVision application.
When calling other programs, LabelVision uses only 5K of main memory,
leaving ample space for your own programs.
A print engine that doesn't quit
Printing with LabelVision couldn't be easier
. . . or smarter. LabelVision has an intimate knowledge of all the
printers it supports, so you can take advantage of maximum printing
speed and efficiency. LabelVision even stores TrueType fonts, graphic
images and label formats in printer memory (if your printer allows),
which can really speed up printing. What's more, you can print labels
on-demand or in batch mode.
As an added plus, LabelVision helps you save money by purchasing
inexpensive print-only packages for the shop floor. You don't need
a graphics adapter, mouse, or high-end machine. Any PC or compatible
will do the job.
Make your own menu
There's no end to the ways you can customize
LabelVision to meet your needs. The Menu Editor lets you build your
own menus, with the choices and the exact wording you want.
For your menu items, you can include shortcut keys that speed up
the process. For instance, print the PowerTool label just by pressing
the letter "P". And you can have up to two lines of Help text for
each menu item, describing what the item is or does. What's more,
the Menu Editor can run other programs, and can be password protected
to prevent unauthorized usage of LabelVision.