Classic: Technical Notes
Options in the LDESIGN.INI file
This note explains the setup file LDESIGN.INI for the Windows-based
LabelVision Designer. This file contains a variety of options which
can be modified to change the default operation of the Designer.
Note that options in the LDESIGN.INI file affect the Windows-based
Designer only. You should not confuse it with the DEFAULT.INI
file, which controls the LabelVision DOS modules.
LDESIGN.INI can be found in your Windows directory (usually
C:\WINDOWS). You can edit the file with the Windows Notepad
or any other text editor. Like other Windows .INI files, this file
contains a number of options, each on a separate line. The option
name is on the left, followed by an equals sign, followed by the
current value.
To help you sort out the many options available, they are divided
into the following categories:
- Functional options
affect the label files that you can create with the Designer.
These options exist to help compensate for various printer versions,
unusual applications and other situations where the default operation
does not let you design the label you want. These are the options
you are most likely to change.
- Automatic options
are automatically updated by the Designer based on your selections
in the Designer menu. For example, your current printer, text
font and bar code settings fall in this category. Although you
can change these current settings by editing the LDESIGN.INI
file, it is much easier to simply change them in the Designer.
If you have set the Save Settings on Exit option to be
Always in the Options | Preferences menu action, then LabelVision
will save your current settings to the LDESIGN.INI file
each time you exit the Designer.
- Cosmetic options simply affect the display and operation
of the LabelVision system. You should never have to change these
options to create a particular label. These options are most useful
for Value Added Resellers, Consultants or other people who want
to change the way LabelVision appears and works in their environment.
The options are described in the following tables.
LDESIGN.INI Functional Options
MaxLabelSizeMils |
Integer |
Printer-dependent |
If specified, this value overrides
the default maximum width of the label. Useful if you are using
an unsupported printer which is similar to one supported by
LabelVision but allows a wider label width. |
ClipCloseObjects |
Yes, No |
Yes |
If Yes, LabelVision never writes
negative coordinates to the label file. Change to No if objects
which you move close to one edge of the label are "shifted"
away from that edge. |
FieldMeasurementString |
Character String |
MC0m |
Characters used to "measure"
LabelVision fields. Usually, only the first character is important.
If the first character cannot be printed by the selected font
or bar code, then the next character is used. By default, when
you say that a field is 10 characters, LabelVision assumes that
it will be as wide as 10 M's. If M cannot be printed by the
selected font or bar code, C is used, then 0 (zero), then m.
RJSTextICSPercent |
Integer |
10 |
The RJS printer lets you specify
the inter-character space (space between characters) separately
from the width of the character. LabelVision will send the character
width times this value. By default, if the character width is
20, then LabelVision will send an ICS of 2 |
ZPLExpansionReverse |
Yes, No |
Printer Dependent |
The Z-90 and Z-105 printers
from Zebra have a bug in certain versions of firmware which
reverse the X and Y expansion for certain rotated, bitmapped
fonts. By default, LabelVision compensates for this problem
only for these printers. If you set this option to Yes, then
LabelVision will compensate for all Zebra printers. If you set
this option to No, then LabelVision will never compensate for
this bug, even for the Z-90 and Z-105. |
LDESIGN.INI Automatic Options
These options are set automatically by the Designer menus, and
need not be modified in LDESIGN.INI.
Directory |
XUserSpace |
CoordinateWindow |
LDESIGN.INI Cosmetic Options
Option |
Type |
Default |
Description |
* MagnumWinFont
* SmoothWinFont
* ScalableSansWinFont
* ScalableSerifWinFont
* OCRAWinFont
* OCRBWinFont
* CourierWinFont |
Each option can be any number of Windows fonts,
separated by commas |
LabelVision uses only fonts that come with Windows
by default |
If specified, these options let you choose different
fonts to be used for the WYSIWYG display of various kinds of
printer fonts. Note that LabelVision always changes the space
between characters to correspond to what is output by the printer.
If you have Windows 3.1, you should use the names of TrueType
fonts for best results. |
* DefaultAllowableData |
A bitmapped integer mask |
31 |
Add together the following numbers to determine
the default value for the allowable data of fields 1 - Uppercase;
2 - Lowercase; 4 - Numbers; 8 - Punctuation; 16 - International
Characters; 32 - All characters. |
LineTrimPercent |
Integer Percent |
15 |
If a line edge overhangs an intersection by this
amount or less, it is trimmed when you select the Edit | Trim
Line menu action. |
OverlayBarCodeText |
Yes, No |
Yes |
If Yes, then bar code field and constant expressions
are written on top of the bar code when displayed in the Designer.
ExtraPrinter<n> |
A printer file name |
SWE196.PRF |
If you have the UBI 196 printer, then you can
add additional printer font file(s) which have been read by
the 196 font reader program. One file is included by default
(the default UBI 196 fonts). If you want additional option,
use the options ExtraPrinter2, ExtraPrinter3, etc. |
Field-<n> |
Name,Length |
none |
Lets you create "predefined" fields
in the LabelVision Designer, which will appear each time the
user starts a new label. The first field should be named Field-1,
the second Field-2, etc. |
FreezeFields |
Yes, No |
No |
If Yes, does not allow the user to change the
definitions of fields in the Designer. |
LookInPath |
Yes, No |
No |
If Yes, causes the Designer to search your path
for the DOS programs. Normally, the Designer searches its own
directory, where the DOS modules are usually located. |
KeyboardMap |
A sequence of key pairs, with no separators |
none |
Causes automatic translation of keys that you
press when you type expressions into the Designer. The first
key of each pair is automatically translated into the second.
For example, KeyboardMap=[{]} would cause the brackets
([]) to be translated to braces ({}). |
WarnAutoIncrement |
Yes, No |
Yes |
If Yes, the Designer will warn you when you try
to use an auto-incrementing feature that is not supported on
the destination printer. You are warned when you edit the expression,
and each time you save the label. |